What Is the Helium 10 PPC Audit Tool?

Helium 10 PPC Audit Tool allows you to evaluate your PPC campaigns and determine how close you are to your ACoS (advertising cost of sales) goal. And while that’s invaluable for profitable ad campaigns, you need to know how to use and analyze the report.

So without further ado, let’s get into it.

Key Takeaways

  • Helium 10 PPC Audit Tool is 100% free to use, even if you don’t have a Helium 10 account.
  • To access your report, all you need is the search term report from Amazon Seller Central.
  • Your audit includes insights about everything from ACoS scores to identifying search terms that might be a wasted spend.

4 Benefits of Using Helium 10 Amazon PPC Audit Tool

helium 10 free amazon ppc audit tool

Benefit #1 - Ability to See Your Progress to ACoS Score Goal

ACoS (aka advertising cost of sales) compares how much you spend on ads to the revenue earned. The lower the ACoS, the more cost-efficient your ads are! However, understanding why you’ve not reached your goal can be difficult without the proper tools.

So Helium 10 Amazon PPC Audit tool is here to help! With it, you can see how close you are to your goals and which keywords are taking up most of your spending.

Benefit #2 - Get Immediate Insights on How You Can Improve Your Product Ranking and Listing

One of the best things about this tool is the amount of actionable insight you get from each report. In there, you’ll find out how well your campaign works and if there’s any wasted spend on search terms.

Then you can take that information and start improving your products so they can sell more!

Benefit #3 - Analyze Your Profit and Loss

With this, you can quickly learn how profitable or unprofitable your PPC campaigns are. 

You get detailed spreadsheets about your highest-earning and least-profitable campaigns, so you can soon find out which campaigns to eliminate and which to allocate more spending to.

Benefit #4 - Find out Duplicate Keywords

You might find yourself ranking for the exact keywords multiple times! That can quickly drive up your costs. So PPC audit tool points them out for you, so you won’t have to spend on them unnecessarily.

Step-By-Step Guide to Using Helium 10 PPC Audit Tool

Step #1 - Download Your Search Term Report From Seller Central

For starters, you must import some data from your seller central. You do that by creating a search timer report. You can do this by following the following five steps:

amazon seller central reports tab
  1. Click the Reports option on the main menu on the Seller Central dashboard.
amazon seller central advertising reports
  1. From the dropdown menu, pick the Advertising Reports option.
create report on amazon seller central
  1. Click the yellow Create Report button in the top left corner.
run new report on amazon seller central
  1. Now it’s time to configure your report. Leave the report type as “Search Term” and the report period as “Summary.” Keep the report period as long as possible. Once all is done, click on the yellow Run Report” button.
download report on amazon seller central
  1. Once clicked, go back to the “Reports” page and click the download button, as it should now be finished.

Step #2 - Create Your Helium 10 PPC Audit Report

Now that you’ve downloaded the search term report, it’s time to get Helium 10’s Audit Report. For this, go to the Helium 10 homepage.

helium 10 tools tab

Then click on theTools tab on the main menu.

helium 10 free tools menu

From there, choose the free tools section.

helium 10 ppc audit tool

Under it, you should find “PPC Audit.” Click on it, and then scroll down until you get to a page like the one below.

amazon ppc audit by helium 10 report page

Start by clicking on a button called Upload Report.” Now you’re asked to locate your search term report. Find it in your downloads folder and upload.

Then, add your target ACoS and generate your report by clicking the blue button below the target ACoS text box.


ACoS target varies depending on how new your business is. The newer it is the higher your ACoS should be. However, if you’re already established I recommend you choose 15% ACoS.

Step #3 - Analyze Your Report

helium 10 ppc audit report

In just a few seconds, the report should be ready. Now all that is left to do is analyze your results and see how well you’re doing. Carefully go through every insight to get maximum value out of it.

But if you’d like a more detailed report ready for you at any time, you can let Helium 10 email it to you. You can do that by scrolling down to the end of your PPC audit report.

You should see a section with an Email Detailed Report button. Click on it, and a pop-up appears like the one below.

It will only ask you for some information about your business and your email address! So fill it out and click the blue Send Reportbutton.

Frequently Asked Questions

You don’t need more than a minute or two to create an Amazon PPC Audit! 

However, I suggest you plan at least 30 minutes to analyze the statistics and determine your next steps.

Download Your Free PPC Audit Today!

By now, you should understand how powerful this free tool is! It gives insight into your performance and where you can improve your ads! So create your PPC audit today!

And if you’re looking for a way to improve your ads more, I highly suggest you read our Adtomic guide.

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