Helium 10 Index Checker: The Ultimate Guide

Helium 10 Index Checker is a tool that helps you understand whether your product listings appear on Amazon searches or not.

But how effective is this tool, and is it worth the price?

Continue reading to find out.

Key Takeaways

  • Helium 10 Index Checker is useful for multiple purposes: Listing optimization, competitor analysis, and finding the problem for your traffic issue.
  • Helium 10 Index Checker saves you time by allowing you to search multiple keywords at once.
  • Your listing might not be indexed due to the use of forbidden, irrelevant, or trademarked keywords.
  • If you’re only looking to use the Index Checker, it may not be worth the cost.

What Is Helium 10 Index Checker?

helium 10 amazon index checker

Helium 10 Index Checker is a product listing tool that helps Amazon sellers understand whether your products appear in the searches. To check the results, you’ll have to give the tool your Product ASIN and the keywords you’re looking to appear in.

Then it’ll do a few tests and give you an easy-to-understand spreadsheet for all keyword results. Not only does it help you optimize your listing, but it can also be a valuable tool for competitor analysis, more on that later!

3 Helium 10 Index Checker Features

helium 10 index checker features

Before you can use this tool to the max, you need to understand all the features of this tool! Fortunately, there aren’t many to go over, making it easy to understand and use. 

Here are the three main features:

Feature #1 - Three Types of Index Checks

To ensure that you get the most out of this tool, Helium 10 does three keyword checks to ensure you get the most out of the results. Here’s a brief description of what each one means:

  1. Traditional Index – That is the most beneficial index as it does the search with your keyword. With it, the machine will scan the results for your product listing.
  2. Field-ASIN Index – Sometimes, your product might get indexed to keywords you don’t mention in your Amazon listing. If that happens, Helium 10 will notify you.
  3. Storefront Index – Every Amazon seller has a storefront. So with this search, Helium 10 ensures that your products appear in your storefront.

Feature #2 - Check Multiple Keywords at Once

If you’d do index checking manually, you would need to check a keyword at a time. 

However, with the Helium 10 Index checker, you can let the tool check multiple keywords simultaneously, saving you minutes, if not hours, of work.

Just remember that you can only enter up to 1,000 characters worth of Search Terms.

Feature #3 - See the Results Yourself

Instead of leaving you in the dark about how Index Checker found your product in the search result, you can see it yourself. All you have to do is click on the check mark or a minus to see the results.

That could help you to see how high your ranking on Amazon search results is, giving you insight if you need to improve.

How to Use Helium 10 Index Checker?

Now that you’ve got a comprehensive understanding of Helium 10 Index Checker, it’s time to learn its use cases for it. But before telling you that, let’s go over how do you access Helium 10. Fortunately, it’s a simple three steps:

helium 10 log in

First, log in to your Helium 10 account! This can be done by pressing the white “log in” button on the top right corner. Then just add your login credentials and hit “Log in.”

helium 10 tools tab

Once that’s done, you need to navigate to the Index Checker page. Start by pressing the “Tools” option on the main menu.

helium 10 listing analyzer

Then you should see a huge drop-down menu appear. You can find the “Index Checker” under the listing optimization tab.

index checker on helium 10

And lastly, it’s time to start using it! Just add the ASIN to the correct field, and add the keywords. If you’ve used Helium 10 Magnet, then you can simply export your keyword list. 

If not, then just add keywords manually in the text box.

And with that out of the way, let’s go over use cases:

Use Case #1 - Product Listing Optimization

As you launch your FBA product, you want the best chance of getting to the relevant search results. For this, Helium 10 Index Checker helps you to see if the products appear in the keywords you’ve researched.

If not, you can check your Amazon listing and improve the descriptions, titles, and other aspects.

Use Case #2 - Competitor Analysis

Helium 10 Index Checker isn’t only good for optimizing your product listing! It also helps Amazon sellers spy on their competitors. Once you get their product ASIN number, you can check to take your keyword list and see if they rank on them.

And if you find keywords they don’t rank on, then you know that you’ve got an unfair advantage!

Use Case #3 - Finding the Problem for Your Traffic Issue

Imagine this scenario.

You’ve found a winning ad that brings in tons of traffic and sales to your product. 

Then suddenly, you’re not getting as much as before. What could be the problem?

Well, that could be many things, but with the Index Checker, you can see if the problem is with your product not being indexed. Just paste the keyword list and see it for yourself.

If that’s the case, then you can do the following.

What to Do When You’re Not Indexed?

While it might be a terrible feeling seeing your product not listed on the keywords you’ve researched, calm down, as there’s a way to solve this issue. For this, we recommend you go through the next two steps:

Step #1 - Ensure That You Didn’t Search Wrong

One of the issues could be that you’ve just searched wrong. There are two ways this could happen:

  • Wrong Delivery Option – Amazon automatically puts the delivery location where you are. That’s helpful for customers as they won’t accidentally buy products that aren’t available in their region. However, it also affects Helium 10 Index Checker results. So, if you’re not selling in the region you’re staying in, change it to a place where you deliver.
  • Forgetting to Include Your Storefront – If the Storefront index tells you that your products aren’t appearing, don’t panic! That could be because you forgot to add your Seller ID to the search fields. Just add it and rerun the tests and see if anything changes.

If these two don’t fix the issue, continue to the next step.

Step #2 - Potential Reasons You’re Not Indexed

There are three reasons why your product might not be indexed on the keywords:

  • Not Relevant Keywords – One of the reasons why your product isn’t indexed is because Amazon thinks you’re keyword stuffing or the keywords aren’t relevant. If that happens, it’s best to add some more information to your product listing and see if it has changed.
  • Forbidden Keywords – To ensure the shopping experience stays great, Amazon has forbidden some words. That includes profanity, adult product keywords, and spammy ones such as “FREE” or “BEST.” If that happens, try removing them and adding other keywords.
  • Trademarked Keywords – Last but not least, the keywords you might use could be trademarked. So if that is the case, I suggest you remove them and try to get indexed on other types of keywords.

Pros and Cons of Helium 10 Index Checker

While everything sounds great and all, Helium 10 Index Checker isn’t an entirely unique tool. That means there are competitive tools in the market. So how does Helium 10 stand? Well, here are the pros and cons.


  • User-Friendly
  • Ability to see the Search Results Used to Test
  • Get more potential keywords.


  • For just Index Checker, the pricing may be a little steep.

Helium 10 Index Checker Pricing

helium 10 index checker pricing plans

Unfortunately, there isn’t a free version available, meaning you’ll have to become a paid Helium 10 user. However, which one should you pick? Well, there are three pricing plans available:

  • Starter Plan – This plan costs $29 per month, and you’ll get 6 uses per month.
  • Platinum Plan – This plan costs $84 per month, and you’ll get 150 uses per month.
  • Diamond Plan – This plan costs $209 per month, and you’ll get 300 uses per month.

The pricing is a little steep if you only want to use this tool. However, the monthly cost isn’t that expensive if you plan to use everything the tool offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Checking your Amazon Index status is critical for success as it ensures that your product is visible on relevant keywords. If not, that means less traffic. And that means fewer sales, making your product less successful.

To be indexed in Amazon searches, you need to include your keywords in your listing, such as your description, title, and more. Furthermore, the number of 5-star reviews and your history of selling also contribute to it.

So, Is Helium 10 Index Checker Worth It?

As you can see, the Helium 10 Index Checker is an essential tool for any Amazon business. 

If you’d like to learn more about keywords, I highly suggest you check out our Helium 10 Magnet guide.

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