How to Set Up and Use Seller Assistant App’s Free Trial?

If you’re unsure if the Pro version of the Seller Assistant app is for you, then don’t fret, as Seller Assistant has a free trial! That way, you can test the premium features before ever typing in your credit card credentials.

So in this blog post, we’ll guide you through the entire process with easy-to-follow instructions. So if that sounds great, then keep on reading.

Key Takeaways

  • There are two ways to access Seller Assistant App for free: with a free trial and a free plan.
  • Your free trial automatically activates once you’ve finished account creation.
  • To start using Seller Assistant App, you need to install the chrome extension and connect your Amazon account.

Free Plan vs. Free Trial

Seller Assistant App has two ways of accessing the chrome extension for free. 

That is by the free plan and free trial. The free plan gives you access to some features, such as the most essential product data, an on-page product dashboard, a quick view feature, and IP alerts!

However, the free trial gives Amazon sellers access to the pro features for 14 days

These include helpful tools like a profit calculator, Google Sheets export support, stock quantity, and current and historical data.

2-Step Guide for Setting up Seller Assistant App Free Trial and Account

Starting the free trial is very simple! Just follow the two steps down below:

Step #1 - Click on the “Register” Button

seller assistant app web home

First, go to the Seller Assistant App website! You should see a white button on the top right corner called “Register.” Click on it, and you’re ready for the next step.


You can also click on the yellow Start 14-Day Free Trial button to start the registration process.

Step #2 - Add Your Login Credentials

seller assistant app register page

If you’ve done everything correctly, you should be greeted with this page. 

Here, you need to fill out the form with your login credentials. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Name – Put your full name in there
  2. Email Address – Pick the best email address, preferably your business email.
  3. Password – Pick a solid and secure password! Write the same password in the “Confirm Password” text box.

Once all textboxes are filled, all left to do is accept the Terms of Service, confirm that you’re not a robot, and click the yellowRegister button.

3 Steps to Setting up and Using Seller Assistant App

Congratulations! You’ve just set up your free account and activated the free trial. 

If you did everything correctly, you should be greeted with this page. This page helps you set up everything to start using this important chrome extension.

So let’s go over them, shall we?

Step #1 - Installing the Chrome Extension

seller assistant app chrome extension

Our first step is to install the Chrome extension. To start the process, click on the yellowInstallbutton.

add seller assistant app extension to chrome

Once clicked, you should be redirected to Chrome Web Store. Then you should click the blue button on the left called “Add to Chrome.”

add extension to chrome

Once clicked, a popup similar to this appears on your screen. Click on the Add extensionbutton, and you’re done!

Step #2 - Connect Your Amazon Account

Now that the chrome extension is installed, it’s time to connect your Amazon seller account! Fortunately, it’s not too complicated.

connect your amazon seller account to seller assistant app

To start, click on the yellow Connectbutton.

select your amazon marketplace

Then you should be greeted with this page! Now you need to pick your marketplace from the list. This will be the place where you sell your products from. In my case, I chose the “” option.

Once you’ve picked your marketplace, click on the Connect Amazon Accountbutton.

Then log in to your Amazon account. Add your login details and pressSign In.”

authorize seller assistant app through amazon seller central

Once signed in, you should be greeted with a page similar to this. Here, Amazon asks you to give permission to access your account data. You can read through everything, but if you want to complete the step, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

seller assistant app authorization on amazon

There you should first see a checkbox. Check it and then hit the blueConfirm button.

seller assistant app amazon connection successful

If all goes well, you should be greeted with this page! Now you can either add more marketplaces or go to the next step.

Step #3 - Start Using Seller Assistant App

amazon product page

Now you’re ready to start using Seller Assistant app! Here’s how you can use it.

First, go to Amazon and find a product you want to learn more about. In our example, we’re looking at this cold brew coffee maker. You know you’ve installed everything correctly if you see a box below the product title. On there, it provides valuable product insights, such as

  • BSR rating
  • ASIN
  • Category
  • Seller information
  • And more.
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Yes! You can cancel at any time. All you need to do is go to theYour Settingspage, then pick the Subscription option under the billing section. There you should find a button called Cancel Subscription.”

That is an issue that tends to happen if you log in with Google One Tap. 

If that’s so, then click on this link to log out and then log in again with an email and password.

Enjoy Your 14-Day Free Trial!

Now you’re all set up to use this app for your benefit! So start using it as the trial ends in 14 days. But if you want to learn about what Seller Assistant App’s competition has to offer, you can check out our SellerApp Chrome extension guide.

Seller Assistant logo
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