Helium 10 Dashboard Explained (Ultimate Guide)

The Helium 10 dashboard is available after logging in to your account and provides an overview of key information. This includes finances, keyword rankings, and more.

Furthermore, the Helium 10 dashboard offers shortcuts to various tools to improve navigation. You can even customize the order of the tools on your dashboard.

Key Takeaways

  • Access the Helium 10 dashboard after logging into your account, which includes using the free trial.
  • The Helium 10 dashboard provides a consistent experience for all subscription plans.
  • Connect your Helium 10 and Amazon accounts to view key data directly in your dashboard.

What Is the Helium 10 Dashboard?

The Helium 10 dashboard is what you immediately see after logging into your account. Think of it as the command center or overview of your account. You can find any Helium 10 tool from the dashboard or inspect your Amazon data at a glance.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the Helium 10 dashboard to figure out how to navigate quickly. Also, as you browse through the dashboard, you may discover Helium 10 features you weren’t aware of before.

Overall, Helium 10 has done a great job of optimizing and simplifying the dashboard. 

Over the years, it has received overhauls and changes to fine-tune the experience for the end user.

How Can You Find the Helium 10 Dashboard?

You can find the Helium 10 dashboard by logging into your account. Don’t have a Helium 10 account, then use this link to sign up – it’s FREE.

The dashboard is the area underneath the header navigation menu, as you can see in the screenshot below:

helium 10 sample dashboard

Note that the dashboard extends even further if you were to scroll down, and we will cover every part in the next section, so you don’t get lost while exploring. Also, the dashboard changes based on if you have synced your Amazon account to stream live data. 

What Can You See on the Helium 10 Dashboard?

The Helium 10 dashboard is intuitive and easy to navigate once you understand each component. It’s broken up into square-like segments that provide a different function.

Overall, it appears that the Helium 10 dashboard is created to offer users shortcuts to information. It includes financial information like the number of orders made today and the performance of tracked keywords.

It’s ideal for busy Helium 10 users without time to navigate multiple tools looking for the data. Instead, they can glance at the dashboard and receive updates from one screen.

Continue reading to learn more about what you can expect to see on the Helium 10 dashboard.

Header Navigation Menu

The header navigation menu allows you to access the dashboard from other parts of the Helium 10 website. Simply click on the “Dashboard” option as you can see from the screenshot below.

helium 10 dashboard menu tab

The header menu allows you to navigate to the following parts of your Helium 10 account:

  • Dashboard
  • Tools
  • Profits
  • Follow-Up
  • Adtomic
  • Portals
  • FBA Training
  • Help Center
  • Contact support
  • Account settings

When you sign up for a new Helium 10 account, you should familiarize yourself with the Help Center. There you’ll find informative articles that help you understand how to use tools or perform specific actions.

Prompt to Install the Helium 10 Chrome Extension

You’ll see a prompt suggesting you should install the Helium 10 Chrome Extension if you haven’t already. This prompt should disappear once the extension is installed. 

To start the Chrome Extension installation process, click the blue “Install Now” button.

Furthermore, you can check out our Helium 10 Chrome Extension Download and Installation Guide, for help getting the most out of the extension and troubleshooting common problems.

helium 10 chrome extension

Don’t forget to watch the Helium 10 Chrome Extension tutorial by clicking on the “Learn” button, which you can see in the screenshot above. The video is just over 6 minutes and is hosted by Bradley Sutton, Training Director at Helium 10.

The video does a great job of walking you through the process of using the Chrome Extension on Amazon.

Financial Overview

The Financial Overview section is a great place to glance at the daily performance of your e-commerce business. Start by selecting the marketplace for which you want to see the financial data.

Note that you can only select from marketplaces that you have synced with your Helium 10 account.

helium 10 dashboard financial overview

Here is a list of what you can see in the financial overview:

  • Today’s Gross Sales: this includes yesterday’s and today’s gross sales. Also, the change in sales is displayed to view the difference between the two days.
  • Today’s Orders: here you can view the number of units sold today. Also, you can view the number of units sold yesterday.
  • Estimated Business Value: this is an estimated value of what your business is worth if you want to sell. Click on the “Learn More” link for an explanation of how this value is calculated, and a graph showing how the value changed over the last 12 months.

Viewing Today’s Gross Sales and Today’s Orders is ironically better for keeping an eye on the performance for the previous day. That’s because it’s more useful to understand how much you sold in a single day, rather than at a random point throughout the day.

Profit Summary

The Profit Summary is in beta at the time of writing, and offers a treasure trove of information. At first glance, the widget offers insight into your entire Amazon account, but you can also specify the period and product if you want to access data on a more granular level.

Furthermore, you can click on the “Add Comparison” button to compare the performance of 2 products.

helium 10 dashboard profit summary

The information that you can see with the Profit Summary widget includes:

  • Gross Sales: you can see the gross sales for your selected period and product. Ideal for figuring out the amount of money your business is making.
  • Unit Sold: keeping an eye on units sold helps with inventory management.
  • Total Rrders: here you can see a breakdown of the order count for organic and PPC sales.
  • Refunds: here you can view the number of processed refunds in the selected period.

Note that you will also see data for each section to compare the performance with the previous period. It’s also expressed as a percentage to help you understand the difference at a glance.

Also, you’ll need to click on each of the 4 sections to reveal relevant data in graphical form.

Latest Orders

The Latest Orders widget provides a live stream of data updating you on the last few orders made. Starting from the top, you can see the latest orders and basic information about the transaction, which includes:

  • Product image and title: the entire product title and image is displayed to help you identify the sold items.
  • ASIN and SKU: the product ASIN and SKU are displayed as clickable links that take you to the product listing on Amazon.
  • Transaction details: the information about the transaction includes price, time/date of sale, and quantity.

The information on the Latest Order widget can change quickly if you have a high sales velocity throughout the day. It’s a feel-good widget that allows you to keep track of progress throughout the day. It gives the sense of progress that your Amazon business is moving forward.

Also, you can use the widget to spot errors that need immediate attention. 

For example, the product title is incorrect, or the price must be changed.

Resources to Level-Up

The “Resources to Level-Up” widget allows you to access educational material such as blogs and podcast pages. The widget is made up of 2 parts, which are Expert Advice and Lighting Deals. Clicking one of these links takes content that changes. You’ll need to click for yourself to see what’s on the other side.

helium 10 resources to level up

Helium 10 has a large volume of educational content, which you should digest to improve your ability to run a successful Amazon business. Therefore, check back to this resources section to learn more.

Set a Goal for Gross Sales

This section allows you to set a financial goal, whether saving up for a vacation, selling your business or adding to your personal savings account. Click on the blue “Get Started” button to set a goal.

set a goal for gross sales on helium 10

Next, a screen pops up where you can enter a number manually, or select one of the presets, which are $5,000, $10,000, and $50,000. You can set your goal as big or small as you like. 

Then, click on the “Continue” button to proceed to the next stage.

gross sales goal helium 10

Finally, enter the time frame for the goal manually or select one of the presents, which are 7 days, 30 days, and 90 days. Choose a realistic time frame so that the goal is challenging by not unrealistic.

In fact, you could start off with a small goal to get motivated and increase your ambitions as you successfully meet them. Once you have decided on a time frame, click the green “Create Goal” button.

gross sales goal time frame

Research a Keyword

The Research a Keyword tool lets you quickly generate ideas and learn about various niches. 

It’s not a replacement for Helium 10 tools like Magnet, or Black Box. Instead, it’s there as a shortcut to doing keyword research if you don’t want to leave the dashboard.

Start by entering a keyword, or get keyword suggestions from the “What’s Trending on Pinterest?” section. Once you have selected a keyword and the marketplace where you want to search, click on the blue “Search” button.

research a keyword helium 10

Next, the widget will update to provide the following information:

Search: this includes the search volume and the number of competing products.

Alongside the search information, you’ll find a link to Magnet to access a deep dive into the search results.

Learn about competitors: this section showcases the top products selling for this keyword. 

This information includes:

  • Product name and Clickable ASIN’s that take you to the Amazon page.
  • Monthly Sales (Last 30 days)
  • Monthly Revenue (Last 30 days)
  • Review & Ratings

Also, you’ll see a link to Black Box, where you can dig deeper into the product analysis data.

keyword search volume on helium 10

Your Tracked Keywords

The “Your Tracked Keywords” section of the dashboard allows you to glance at the ranking of your main keywords. This includes two type of rankings, which you can switch between as you can see in the screenshot below:

  • Organic ranking: this refers to the rankings gained naturally in the Amazon search result pages.
  • Sponsored rankings: this refers to the keyword rankings for your Amazon PPC campaign.

Also, you can toggle through your products to view information such as number of keywords ranking in the top 10, and the overall search volume.

Overall, this widget is a handy shortcut for glancing at ranking performance. 

If any keyword rankings are outside of your desired parameters, you can investigate further by clicking on the Keyword Tracker link in the bottom right-hand corner of the widget.

Overview of Helium 10 Tools

Scroll down to the bottom of the Helium 10 dashboard, and you’ll see a list of tools displayed in small rectangular widgets. This area acts as a shortcut to the vast array of Helium 10 tools, and you can move them about to change the order. For example, you can move your commonly used tools higher up in the dashboard.

Here is a sample of what the tools overview areas looks like:

helium 10 tools overview

Note that each tool has a brief description, which is ideal for new Helium 10 users still learning each tool’s functionality and features.

Introduction Video

Check out the introduction video to learn more about using Helium 10. 

The video is hosted by Bradely Sutton, Director of Training, and it’s just over 6 minutes long. Furthermore, the video takes you through the basic section of the Helium 10 dashboard and other sections of the website.

You can also view the video below:

Live Chat Icon

You’ll see the live chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen while on the dashboard or any other part of the Helium 10 website. This allows you to contact customer support to ask questions 24/7.

At first, you’ll interact with the live chatbot. The technology is powered by Zendesk, a SaaS company that provides customer support solutions. However, you can escalate the interaction to message a Helium 10 customer support staff, as you can see in the screenshot below:

We recommend you get familiar with the live chat bubble since it’s the primary method of communicating with Helium 10 customer support. That’s because no phone number is available – even for paying members.

Helium 10 Facebook Members Group

At the bottom of the dashboard, you’ll see an icon that takes you to the Helium 10 Facebook members group page.

helium 10 facebook users group

Consider joining this group and want to interact with like-minded individuals to help grow your business. You might meet new business partners or get questions answered from other Helium 10 users having the same problems.

Access to Helium 10 Helper

You’ll find the “Billing & Support Questions?” button alongside the Facebook button. 

This is essentially a shortcut to the Help Center where you can learn more about how to use Helium 10 and get answers to commonly asked questions.

helium 10 helper and support

New Helium 10 customers should review the content in this section to understand each tool’s functionality and use cases.

How Can I Access Helium 10 Tools From the Dashboard?

We have already mentioned that you can access Helium 10 tools from the dashboard by scrolling down and clicking on the individual widgets. However, the quickest method is to click on the “Tools” button, as you can see in the screenshot below:

helium 10 tools tab

You can see most Helium 10 tools from the drop-down menu. However, the header navigation menu also provides shortcuts to the following tools:

  • Profits
  • Follow-Up
  • Adtomic
  • Portals
  • FBA Training

Helium 10 Dashboard Best Practices

By now you might have realized that the Helium 10 dashboard is packed with a lot of information. This is great for Amazon sellers that want to access many features to grow their business.

To help you avoid getting lost and hit the ground running with the dashboard, here are some top tips:

  • Learn one part at a time: don’t attempt to learn the entire Helium 10 dashboard in a single day since it will be too overwhelming. Instead, choose one user interface section and get a good understanding before moving to another.
  • Shortcuts: you might have noticed that there are many routes to access tools or features of the Helium 10 websites. Learn these shortcuts to increase the speed at which you can navigate around the dashboard.
  • Customize your tools layout: the tools section at the bottom of the dashboard should be customized to ensure your most commonly used ones are moved to the top. Alternatively, you can create a layout that groups tools into common themes.
  • Watch the introduction video: don’t forget the Helium 10 introduction video, where you’ll learn how to navigate the website.

How Does the Helium 10 Dashboard Change Between Pricing Plans?

The Helium 10 dashboard doesn’t change between pricing plans, therefore you can expect the same experience whether you have subscribed to the Starter, Platinum or Diamond plan.

However, the dashboard can change when you sync your Amazon or Walmart data with Helium 10. For example, you’ll receive financial data such as gross sales and units sold.

Finally, the Helium 10 dashboard can change when you use tools like Keyword Tracker. 

That’s because you’ll see information such as product listing rankings for specific keywords.

Want to learn more about the features of the Helium 10 subscription plans? 

Then check out the pricing page to compare and choose the right option for your business.

How Do I View My Amazon Data on the Helium 10 Dashboard?

To view your Amazon data on the Helium 10 dashboard, connect your Amazon and Helium 10 accounts. This simple process can be done in just a few minutes. Check out our guide on the Profits tool, for the step-by-step process on connecting the two accounts.

Once the two accounts are connected, you’ll need to wait up to 24 hours for the data to sync. After that, your dashboard becomes populated with new data as it’s streaming from your Amazon Seller Central account. It’s a handy shortcut, meaning you can view your business’s financial health directly in Helium 10.

Our Experience Using the Helium 10 Dashboard?

To give you a deeper insight into what to expect from the Helium 10 dashboard, we decided to try it ourselves. Firstly, we loved the features that allow you to stream account data to various widgets.

For example, the financial data allows us to monitor sales and the number of units sold without heading over to the Profits tool. This is handy when I want to glance at the update while doing other tasks on the dashboard. Also, I tend to glance over the keyword rankings updates to ensure no significant drop in rankings.

However, the dashboard can look a bit overwhelming at first, and finding some features takes a lot of scrolling down the page. Also, we noticed that some widgets are in beta, including the Profit Summary. This indicates that Helium 10 is constantly improving and adding to the dashboard, which is a good sign.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can use the Helium 10 dashboard with the free trial. However, you’ll have access to fewer tools with the free trial subscription, which reduces the amount of data available on the dashboard.

The Helium 10 free trial does not expire, and you can upgrade to a paid subscription at any time.

Overall, the Helium 10 dashboard is easy to use because the user interface is split up into sections. Each section’s use case and features are self-explanatory, but you can also watch the introductory video to learn more.

Furthermore, the dashboard offers shortcuts, making finding your way around Helium 10 website easier.

Yes, you can customize part of the Helium 10 dashboard, which is the section at the bottom with the list of tools. You can move them around to change the order of their placement to match your preferences.

Yes, you can contact Helium 10 customer support from the dashboard by using live chat. Click on the live chat icon in the dashboard’s bottom right-hand corner to open the chat box.

At first, you’ll connect to the chatbot and you can communicate with a person by clicking on the “Chat with Agent” button.

Final Thoughts on the Helium 10 Dashboard

To summarize, the Helium 10 dashboard is arguably the most commonly visited page once you’re inside the member’s area. It provides important information like gross sales, units sold, and keyword rankings. Also, you can access shortcuts to various helium 10 tools.

Do you like the sound of what the Helium 10 dashboard offers? Then check out the Helium 10 pricing page to start your journey.

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