How Do You Search for Keywords in Helium 10?

The Helium 10 tools available for keyword research include Cerebro, Magnet, and Misspelinator. Use the tools to find high-traffic keywords that have low competition.

Furthermore, you can utilize the generated keyword list with tools like Frankenstein and Keyword Manager to organize and trim them down.

Then, export the keywords to Adtomic to execute profitable PPC campaigns or Scribbles to write keyword-optimized product listings.

Key Takeaways

  • Use Cerebro to take advantage of competitor keyword strategies by entering their ASIN. You can enter up to 10 ASINs simultaneously and receive ASIN suggestions based on competing products.
  • Use Magnet to search for relevant keywords based on a single word or seed phrase. Then, narrow down lists that are thousands long with an extensive range of filters.
  • Use Misspelinator to find commonly searched misspelled phrases. These keywords contribute to your overall product listing traffic and sales.

Pros and Cons of Keyword Research at Helium 10

This section provides an overview of beneficial reasons to execute keyword research at Helium 10, including the extensive filter options and smooth user interfaces. We’ll also cover the cons to set realistic expectations, such as the limitations of the STARTER plan.


  • Good choice of keyword research tools that provide unique functionality
  • Cerbero and Magnet offer optimized user interfaces
  • Helium 10 keyword research tools allow you to find high-traffic uncompetitive keywords
  • Increase organic rankings by uncovering competitors’ keyword strategies
  • Use Misspelinator to find commonly searched misspelled keywords


  • Misspellinator’s UI needs optimization for a smoother experience
  • All keyword research tools have limited usability on the Starter plan

What Keyword Research Tools Are Available at Helium 10?

The keyword research tools available at Helium 10 include Cerebro, Magnet, Misspelinator, and Keyword Manager. Each tool provides a unique and important function contributing to the overall keyword strategy.

Choosing the correct keywords is important to skyrocket your organic product page rankings and identify low-cost converting opportunities for your PPC campaign. Hence, mastering keywords is an essential strategy for any Amazon business, and Helium 10’s tool makes the job easier.

This section will explore how to use the Helium 10 keyword research tools to find highly profitable keywords with low competition. We’ll also share the pros & cons of each tool to help you understand their strengths and limitations.

Cerebro - Amazon Reverse ASIN Lookup Tool

Cerebro allows you to get competitor keyword insights by entering their ASIN into the tool. 

By leveraging competitors’ hard work and success, you will save time and spot profitable keyword opportunities you might have otherwise missed.

You can uncover strategies from established Amazon sellers by uncovering their keyword keywords. The best Amazon sellers are probably spying on your keyword research, so why not return the favor?

Cerebro allows you to enter up to 10 ASINs or product IDs per search, so it’s easy to use for inexperienced Helium 10 users. Additionally, you can remove unnecessary terms by using the Common Words feature to optimize keyword lists.

Furthermore, you can rank keywords based on # of competing products, # of sponsored ASINs, search volume trends, search volume, and more. This allows you to save time identifying the relevant keywords.

Cerebro Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use – simply enter competitor ASINs or product IDs
  • Available with all Helium 10 plans
  • Can sort keywords for organization
  • Helps you leverage competitor success by uncovering profitable KW opportunities
  • Identify products that are frequently bought together
  • Usage limits on the Starter plan

How to Use Cerebro to Find Keywords?

Cerebro is an easy tool to use because you only need to enter ASINs to generate keywords, and you’ll even get ASIN suggestions based on competing products. This section outlines the process of using Cerebro step-by-step, so you can begin spying on the competition.

Start by logging into your Helium 10 account and look for Cerbero in the “Tools” navigational menu.

helium 10 tools tab

Next, you’ll need to enter up to 10 ASINs, and after entering one ASIN, the “Get Competitors” button becomes accessible to receive ASIN suggestions. This shortcut saves you time since you don’t need to manually visit Amazon and search for them.

Once you’re done, click on the blue “Get Keywords” button to generate the list of keywords.

get keywords with helium 10 cerebro

Notice how the list of generated keywords appears in the screenshot below. 

You can click on any of the columns to sort the list based on your preferences. 

For example, if you’re looking for keywords with the highest trending search volume, click on the “Search Volume Trend” column to sort in descending order.

sort keywords on helium 10 cerebro

Furthermore, you use the filter system to tidy up the list of keywords, which you can do after or before running the search. For example, in our screenshot below, we have decided to apply a filter of 3,000 search volume to help us identify the keywords receiving substantial monthly search volume.

filter keywords on helium 10 cerebro

However, you’ll have a unique list of criteria for what keywords are a good match, so utilize the filter system for organization and avoid keywords that won’t contribute to your desired outcome.

Finally, you can export data as a CSV or XLSX file, to Frankenstein (more on this tool later), or copy to clipboard.

Want to give Cerebro a try for yourself? Then click here to learn more about what the tool offers.

Magnet - Keyword Planner

Magnet reveals relevant and high-volume keywords for Amazon and Walmart.

It takes just a few seconds to retrieve up to thousands of high-traffic keywords for your product listings. Also, the tool provides access to one of the largest databases of actionable search terms to ensure you’ll have a comprehensive range of keywords.

Furthermore, the generated keyword lists allow you to increase organic rankings, thereby boosting sales. Therefore, working with Magnet to identify excellent keyword opportunities will pay for itself in the form of more profit.

You’ll even find keywords you wouldn’t have thought of, non-English phrases, and commonly searched keywords with typos. Therefore, you can get an edge over competitors that aren’t using sophisticated keyword tools like Magnet.

Finally, you can use the Magnet IQ Score to find keywords with a good search volume without too many competitors. The custom Helium 10 score is based on the ratio of search volume and competition to help users spot practical keywords at a glance.

Magnet Pros and Cons

  • Easy to use since you can start by entering a single word
  • Provide advanced filter options to narrow down the keyword list
  • Good export options to take advantage of your generated keyword list
  • Helium 10 exclusive Magnet IQ Score allows you to uncover good keywords at a glance
  • Look back at historical search volume at intervals of 30 days, 90 days, 1 year, or all time
  • Limited use with the STARTER plan

How to Use Magnet to Find Keywords?

Magnet is easy to use since you can start by entering a single word or seed phrase.

Once you hit the search button, it takes just a few seconds for the tools to generate the keywords list. Also, we will share how you can utilize the filter options to narrow down the list of keywords, so you’re left with ones worth pursuing.

You can also view a tutorial video from Bradley Sutton, Helium 10’s Director of Training, by clicking on the “Learn” button in the top right-hand corner, and it’s 9 minutes 44 seconds long.

In the example below, we have entered “decoration balloons” as our seed phrase. 

We could have entered balloons, but this search will provide more relevant results since we are targeting the decorations niche.

helium 10 magnet

Furthermore, you can add filters to reduce the list of keywords to ones matching your criteria. For instance, if you’re after long-tail keywords, you may want to have a minimum word count of 5. Or, enter a maximum number of competing products to avoid targeting keywords with high competition.

As you become more experienced with using Magnet, you’ll figure out what filters match your desired keyword outcome.

The screenshot below shows the generated list of keywords, and you should sort them based on your needs. For instance, if you want keywords with the highest Magnet IQ Score, click on that column to sort them in descending order.

helium 10 magnet keyword sort

Also, you can click on the “Export Data” button to export your keyword to list as a CSV or XLSX file, to Frankenstein, or copy to clipboard.

Are you interested in learning more about Helium 10 Magnet? Click here to discover how to take advantage of this popular keyword research tool.

Misspelinator - Misspelled Keyword Extractor

Misspelinator allows you to find commonly misspelled keywords with a sizable search volume. Therefore, you can uncover keywords with low competition yet offer high enough search volume to bring in a meaningful sales boost.

Plug the misspelled keywords into your backend or use them in PPC campaigns to bid on low-cost and highly converting KW’s. Advanced Amazon sellers use the strategy to yield great results with minimal effort.

Additionally, Misspelinator extracts commonly misspelled keywords in a few seconds, and provides sort options. Hence, minimizing the manual work required to find profitable misspelled keywords.

Finally, extract the misspelled keywords to a spreadsheet or Frankenstein to create an organized and curated list. The workflow for using Missplenitor is easy, and we’ll show you how you can get started in the section below.

Misspelinator Pros and Cons

  • Saves time by allowing you to quickly find misspelled keywords
  • Helps uncover commonly searched misspelled keywords with low competition
  • Can filter keywords based on ones that Amazon doesn’t automatically correct
  • Get extra sales for keywords that you wouldn’t enter your keyword strategy otherwise
  • Can export keyword lists to Frankenstein, CSV file or Excel
  • User interface requires optimization to provide a smoother experience
  • Only 20 uses on the STARTER plan

How to Use Misspelinator to Find Keywords?

Finding misspelled keywords with Misspelinator is a 2-step process that takes just a few minutes. You’ll start by signing into your Helium 10 account and navigating to the Tools menu. Next, find the Misspelinator tool under the Keyword Research section.

Once you’ve loaded up the tool, you’ll see a user interface with two boxes. 

First, enter the keywords you want to find misspellings for in the left box and click on the “Prepare” button at the bottom. Next, you’ll see the individual words highlighted in the right box. Here you can select to find misspellings for all words or select the ones you want one by one.

To begin the search, click on the “Find Misspellings” button in the top right-hand corner. 

The search is slightly slower than the waiting time for Cerebro or Magnet, but it should be completed within 1 minute.

helium 10 misspelinator keyword research

A pop-up box states the search is complete, so click OK to bring up the screen with the results.

In the screenshot below, we have partially displayed the search results. They are broken up into 3 sections – one for each keyword. In the image, you can see part of the section for “airplane”. Note the non-auto-correct-misspellings section – it’s the keywords with a green check mark next to them.

These are the misspelled words for which Amazon doesn’t bring up search results for the correctly spelled keywords. Hence, you should concentrate on these entries to gain organic product listing rankings for non-competitive keywords.

hlium 10 misspelinator keywords

You can also export selected keywords to Frankenstein, Excel or as a CSV file. 

Once you’re done with the search, you can begin a new one by clicking the green “New Search” button in the top right-hand corner.

Has Misspelinator intrigued you to find those lucrative misspelled keywords? Then click here to find out more.

Keyword Manager - Organize Your Keywords

This keyword research tool won’t help you discover new keywords, but it will assist you with organizing keywords found using tools like Cerbero, Magnet, and Misspelinator. 

Think of Keyword Manager as a bridge between other tools for a smoother keyword research process.

You’ll create custom keyword lists at Keyword Manager, and when using tools like Cerebro, you can export keywords to these lists. Consequently, you can export these keyword lists to other tools, including Frankensinet, Scribbles, Index Checker, and Magnet.

What Helium 10 Plans Include Keyword Research Tools?

The Helium 10 plans that include keyword research tools are Free, Starter, Platinum, Diamond. However, the usage limits differ for each plan, so you should consider your needs when choosing.

Here is a table to highlight the available keyword research tools for each plan and the cost.

Plan Price Cerebro Magnet Misspelinator
Starter $39 per month limited limited 20 uses
Platinum $99 per month unlimited unlimited unlimited
Diamond $249 per month unlimited unlimited unlimited

Therefore, if you don’t want limits on your keyword research capabilities, select the Platinum or Diamond plans.

How Do You Use Your List of Keywords?

Generating a keyword list is only half of the puzzle. You’ll need to put the list of generated keywords to work to get more sales for your Amazon business. Helium 10 provides a suite of tools to take advantage of your keywords. In many cases, they have features to import keywords from keyword lists you’ve created with other tools.

Here are a few ideas for putting your keywords to work:

PPC (Pay-Per-Click): the driving force for generating traffic for many Amazon listings is PPC. Adtomic is Helium 10 in-house PPC tool that enables you to create, manage and optimize campaigns. It’s available on the Diamond and Elite Helium 10 plans.

Keywords are the driving force for PPC campaigns. You’ll need to decide what keywords are worth bidding on and at what price. Therefore, uncovering highly searched and uncompetitive keywords allows you to improve the ROI of your PPC campaigns.

Want to learn about how to execute a successful PPC campaign? Then click here to enroll in Helium 10 Academy FOR FREE.

Product listings: Amazon determines what search phrases products listing should rank for by considering the keywords on the page. This includes the product title and description, and other content.

Therefore, you’ll need to find highly searched keywords with Cerberbo and Magnet and populate your product listing pages with them. However, you may want to avoid using the misspelled keywords from Misspelinator since it will look unprofessional.

Index Checker: after using Cerbero and Magnet to find good keyword opportunities, you can find out if your product listings are already ranking for them. Enter the keywords into Index Checker to save time by avoiding manual checks.

Index Checker also allows you to spot wasteful keywords that are not contributing to rankings. You can swap these KWs for better-performing ones to boost organizing product listing rankings where they count the most.

Frankenstein: export keyword lists from Cerebro, Magnet, and Misspelintor to Frankenstein to optimize your keyword research. The tool allows you to clean up large keyword lists by filtering out duplicates, unwanted characters or words, and outputting the results into cohesive groups.

Therefore, you can create keyword groups ideal for different PPC campaigns, product listing optimization, and more. Also, export keyword lists to Scribbles, a Helium 10 tool that helps optimize product listings.

To learn more about what Frankenstein offers, click here and take a step closer to organizing your keywords.

Scribbles: export your keywords to Scribbles to create optimized product listings that will rank for high-traffic search phrases. The tool provides an overlay with keywords indicating how many are used.

With Scribbles, you can add back-end search terms from Misspelinator to leverage their traffic-generating potential. Hence, you can avoid using them on the product listing, which would look unprofessional.

Our Experience Using Helium 10 Keyword Research Tools

Overall, our experience using the Helium 10 keyword research toolset was positive. 

We like how each tool provides a unique and important function, and exporting the keyword lists between the tools is straightforward.

We are confident that by using Helium 10 tools, you’re likely to find the majority of important keywords for your niche. This includes misspelled keywords by using Misspelinator.

In addition, we appreciated that the tool automatically highlights keywords Amazon doesn’t autocorrect. These are the only ones worth ranking for in our estimation.

However, the Misspelinator UI could be improved so that the entire process takes place on one screen, and the entry fields are easier on the eyes. Currently, you’ll enter seed keywords into a large box.

Fortunately, the UI for Cerebro and Magnet is top-tier. The intuitive design means we instantly figured out where to enter seed keywords and the meaning of each filter option. Furthermore, we loved the large number of filter options of both tools. It meant we could retrieve keywords based on different use cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Keyword research helps increase sales by generating a list of keywords with low competition and high search volumes. Therefore, you can use these keywords to run profitable PPC campaigns using Helium 10 Adtomic.

Also, you can strategically insert keywords into product listings to increase organic rankings for highly converting search phrases. The goal is to appear at the top of the first page of the search results to greatly increase product visibility.

Yes, Helium 10 keyword research tools save you time by generating large lists of viable keywords with minimal data entry. For instance, you can enter a single keyword into Cerebro or one ASIN into Magnet, and you’ll receive many viable keywords.

Also, you can quickly generate ideas for commonly searched misspellings using Misspelinator. In comparison, it would take you a long time to figure out what the tool provides in moments.

You should perform keyword research once every quarter, but it varies based on each Amazon business. Regular keyword research enables you to keep up with market trends. For instance, if a new keyword is trending, you might want to add it to your PPC campaign and product listings.

Also, trending keywords might highlight a new feature or product subcategory entering your niche. It’s an Amazon seller’s job to know about these changes to remain competitive.

Keyword intent relates to why someone is searching – it’s what they want to do, find out or action to take. There are four common types of search intent:

  1. Informational: this type is about the searcher looking for information, and words you’ll find in these searches include how, why, where, what, and who.
  2. Navigational: the searcher is trying to arrive at a specific destination and is using the search bar instead of typing out the URL. For example, a user who types “Amazon” is trying to navigate to the e-commerce store.
  3. Transactional: this search type is executed by people looking for a specific product. Usually, they know what they want to buy, and the search string commonly has the product’s model number or name.
  4. Commercial: this is a mix of informational and transactional. The searcher wants to buy soon but wants to find out more. For example, the best product version for their use case.

Search intent is important because you must understand what the searcher is looking for when determining what keywords are worthy of optimization. You must focus on keywords that indicate the searcher wants the products you’re selling.

You can expand the scope of your keyword research by starting with board seed keywords. Hence, you can find other keyword branches in your market. Also, take advantage of new keyword research strategies since they will likely yield different results.

For instance, use Misspelinator if you’ve never considered adding commonly searched misspelled words to your keyword research strategy.

Final Verdict on Keyword Research With Helium 10

In conclusion, keyword research at Helium 10 is executed with Cerebro, Magnet, and Misspelinator. Using these tools, you can spy on competitor keyword strategies by entering their product ASINs, uncover large lists of related keywords from a seed phrase, and find worthwhile misspelled keywords. Furthermore, Helium 10 keyword research tools save you time and help increase sales by spotting new traffic-generating opportunities.

Do you want to enjoy unlimited use of Helium 10 keyword research tools? Then click here to sign up for the Platinum or Diamond plans.

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