How to Install & Use Helium 10 Mobile App? (In-Depth Guide)

Tired of always being tied to your Helium 10 dashboard just to keep tabs on your Amazon business and view your analytics throughout the day?

Do you need your business’s Helium 10 analytics on the go?

We have the solution!

Helium 10 now has a mobile app that provides the essential data you need to keep up-to-date on your business at your fingertips.

We’ve spent hours with the app and laid everything out for you in a single article.

We’ll explain why you should use the mobile app, and how to install and use it.

Check out our guide below to get started.

Why Use the Mobile App?

The Helium 10 mobile app aids you in keeping up-to-date with the most essential aspects of your Amazon business without being tethered to your desktop.

With the Helium 10 mobile app, you can:

  • Check your profits throughout the day
  • Find relevant keywords
  • View precise sales and trends
  • Receive account alerts
  • Track your inventory levels
  • Track PPC campaign performance so that you can identify any red flags

These tools provide live updates, so you can view and track your success as it happens!

Download the App & Connect Your Amazon Seller Account

You can download the free Helium 10 app from Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iOS), depending on your phone’s operating system.

However, before you can get started with the Helium 10 mobile app, you’ll need to connect your Amazon seller account to your Helium account.

  • If your accounts are already connected, then you can skip ahead on how to use the app.
  • If you haven’t connected your seller account, then watch the video below to get started.

Quick Tip:

Please note, that if you don’t connect your Amazon seller account to the Helium 10 platform before signing into the mobile app, you won’t have access to any of the features the app offers.

How to Use the Helium 10 Mobile App?

In this section, we’ll cover how to sign in, the four main tabs, and the two extra tools you can use to track and manage your Amazon business.

Let’s get started.

Helium 10 Mobile App Overview - Profits and Alerts on the Go!

Sign In

Now that your Amazon seller account is connected to Helium 10, you can sign into the app.

  1. Open the Helium 10 mobile app.
  2. Go to the Tools tab in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will pull up the login screen.
helium 10mobile tools tab
  1. On the login screen, you can sign in with your email or use Magic Link.
  • Magic Link allows you to log in without a password by verifying your identity through an email. This would be the perfect sign-in method if you forgot your password! However, I do recommend if you rely on this method of sign-in that you have an internet connection or available data.
  • When you tap “Send Magic Link,” you’ll be asked for your email address.
  • Type in your email and tap Done.
  • Helium 10 will send you an email with a link to log into your account, which should look something like this:
  • When you tap the link, your browser will open to a 1 tap-login page.
  • Tap Log in with Magic Link.
  • You’ll then be asked to open the app.
  • Once you hit Open, you’ll be automatically signed into your Helium 10 account!

After you’re signed in, you’ll notice that the main tabs along the bottom of the app change.

The previous tabs will now be tucked into the Menus tab. In their place will be the four main sections we’ll talk about: Profits, Keyword Tracker, Alerts, and Research.


The Profits tab showcases your business’s performance, individual product performance, and helps you make informed decisions about future inventory.

Here, you’ll see information similar to what you see on your Helium 10 desktop version.

Overview Cards

These summary cards will provide information based on time frames, such as today, yesterday, the week, or the month. You can view each of these time frames by swiping across the cards.

As you scroll down the page, you’ll get a quick snapshot of the day’s activities.

helium 10 mobile app profits overview

Sales Trends

For your sales trends, you can toggle between seeing which products are increasing and decreasing in sales.

Favorite Products & Orders

If you want to see specific products under your favorites, then you’ll need to add them to the full, desktop version of Helium 10. Once you do that, you’ll see those products in the Products summary card, as shown below.

show favorite products helium 10 mobile app

You can also view different time frames for your favorite products by today, yesterday, week, and month directly from the summary card.

Both the Products and Orders summary card have an additional See all button that shows more products and extra information on those products, such as

  • Units sold
  • Gross sales
  • Refunds
helium 10 mobile app gross sales overview

In the Favorite Products summary card, you can view even more products by the time frames listed across the top, search by ASIN, SKU, or title, and view the additional information that is listed above by tapping on the product.

In the Orders summary card, you’ll see a list of all your orders in ascending order at the top.

If you want to see the additional information listed above, just tap the product.

Product Performance

At the bottom of the screen there is also a small menu that allows you to quickly jump around your profits page.

However, on the menu, there is one category that does not show on your main profits page: Product Performance.

heluim 10 mobile app product performance tab

Your Product Performance page shows you your top 10 products of various time frames.

These summary cards provide the following information:

  • Shows all products
  • Gross revenue
  • Expenses
  • Net profit
  • Units

If you tap on the product, you’ll receive similar analytics to that of your orders and favorite products– units sold, gross sales, and refunds.

Keyword Tracker

To access the Keyword Tracker tab, you’ll need to have a paid Helium 10 account.

Otherwise, with your free account, you’ll receive a message like this:

Once you have a paid account, you’ll be able to access and track your desired keywords.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to manage your tracked keywords in the app.

You’ll need to log into your desktop version of Helium 10 to add or remove any keywords from your tracked list.

The purpose of the Keyword Tracker tab in the app is to get updates on your desired keywords while on the go.

When you tap Keyword Metrics, you’ll be shown a list of organic and sponsored keywords related to the product/keyword you’re tracking.

helium 10 mobile app keyword metrics

From these tabs, you can go directly to the product on Amazon By tapping the link located below the product title. You can also toggle between the organic and sponsored keyword lists.

While you can’t pin any of these keywords to track for later, you can tap on the Search Volume number to open a graph that shows you the search volume history of the specific keyword.

This graph covers the past 30-days, 90-days, 1 year, and of all time. The graph can give you a good idea of when people are searching that specific keyword/phrase. You can then create a marketing plan to advertise your product during the peak times.

It is also important to note that the Keyword Tracker tab and the Keywords Beta tool (that we’ll talk about later) are rather similar.

But what’s the main difference?

  • Keyword Tracker is linked directly to your Helium 10 desktop version. It is on the desktop that you can add, remove, and search for keywords to track. This tab is simply here for you to view those specific keywords.
  • Keywords Beta allows you to conduct keyword research on the go, however, it doesn’t let your pin nor track the keyword in your app.

Now that we’ve covered the Keyword Tracker tab, let’s move on to alerts and notifications.



When first opening the tab, you will be prompted to allow push notifications. You can always change your decision later by going to the Menu tab and toggling on your notifications and tapping Enable Notifications.

By allowing notifications, Helium 10 sends you important updates on your product’s performance, profits, PPC campaigns, and tracked keywords.

Updates & Filters

Your alerts pages also provide an ascending list of updates. This can be overwhelming to look at, especially if you’re behind or looking for something specific. But fear not!

You can also filter your view by the type of change or alert. This makes it easier for you to find updates and changes made to your products.

To access the various filter options, tap the four blue lines in the upper right corner of the page.

The filter window will then take up the screen. From here you can select or search which alert category you’d like to filter by.


On the Research tab, you’ll be able to conduct keyword and product research.

The idea behind the mobile research tool is that it is a starting point for you to then continue your research on the desktop version of Helium 10.

But keep in mind, depending on your Helium 10 plan will depend on how many words and products you can look up a day.

Searches Per Day

Different Helium 10 plans allow for a different number of searches. See the chart below for the breakdown.

  Free Starter Platinum Diamond Elite
Keyword & Product searches 2 total searches per day 2 total searches per day Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

A search is defined by how many keywords and products you search, along with how many keywords or products you tap on.

For the free and starter plans, if you search one keyword, back out, and then go back to the same keyword, regardless if it is pinned, then that counts as both your searches for the day.

When you reach your daily limit for either of these plans, this is what you’ll see:


If you plan on searching a keyword or product often, then we suggest that you pin it for easier access. This way, when you go to your Research tab, it’ll be readily available for you in your My List section and on your desktop version!

helium 10 mobile app pin keywords or products

Keyword Research

To search keywords, you’ll need to be on the Keywords section of the Research tab.

  1. Once there, type in the keyword you’d like to research.
  2. Hit Search from your keyboard.

The results page will display a wide range of information, starting with the summary card at the top.

The rest of the page provides information on top products and related keywords.

From here, you can view related products and keywords, and continue your research this way instead of typing in new keywords/products.

Product Research

Product Research in the H10 Mobile App | Helium 10 Amazon Pro Training

To search keywords, you’ll need to be in the Product section of the Research tab.

  1. Once there, type in the ASIN you’d like to research.
  2. Hit Search.

Or, you can scan the barcode of the product.

  1. Tap the camera icon in the search bar.
  2. Allow Helium 10 to have access to your camera if you haven’t done so already. Otherwise, go to your phone’s settings and toggle on Helium 10 camera usage.
  3. Scan the barcode of the product you want to see.

Amazon doesn’t always have the product you are attempting to scan. If this is the case, then you’ll have two options: try another search or look on Amazon for a similar product.

The results page will show you a variety of vital information about your product and look similar to the screens below.

product search on helium 10 mobile app

You will also have the option to view the product on Amazon. 

ust tap on the View in Amazon hyperlink at the top of the page.

Product Research in the Amazon App

As we discussed earlier, you can conduct research on keywords and products by directly using the Helium 10 app. However, you can also use the Amazon app and send the product or keyword you want to study to Helium 10.

Here’s how:

  1. Search for the product you’re wanting to research.
  2. Select said product
  3. Click on the Share icon.
  4. Select Helium 10 from your apps.
  1. A pop-up will appear. Click on Post.
helium 10 mobile app pop up
  1. This will open the product in the Helium 10 app and show the same data that we went over previously.

What Else Can You Do?

Outside of the four main tabs in Helium 10’s mobile app, there are a couple of other tools hidden away in the Menu tab. These tools are Keywords Beta and Adtomic.

Along with these additional tools, there are also a couple small, but neat features the app offers– switching to other marketplaces and adding a profits widget to your home screen.

We think you’ll enjoy these added bonuses just as much as we did!

Keywords Beta

Keywords Beta is different from the general keyword search in that the information provided is more condensed and shows the following:

  • Organic keywords. Words that aren’t in Amazon’s index. These words are more closely related to what the consumer is actually looking for.
  • Smart complete. Housed in Amazon’s index and exactly matches the word or phrase searched.
  • Total number of keywords
  • Keyword search volume

Also, you can’t pin the keyword to view later like you can for a general keyword search.


Adtomic is an AI-powered Amazon PPC solution that helps you with your paid advertising.

With the mobile app, you can monitor your ad performance from anywhere.

Upon opening the Adtomic screen, you’ll immediately see a summary card. This summary card provides a quick overview of all your essential PPC data.

You can swipe through this card to view the data from the last 7 days, 30 days, and 60 days.

Campaigns & Keywords

You will also find your five Highest ACoS campaigns and keywords as you scroll down the page. This information is based on conversion rates for each item.

To the right-hand side of both of these summary cards, you will see color-coded percentages that tell you how your campaigns and keywords are performing. The colors represent the following:

  • Green- ACoS is below target,
  • Yellow- ACoS is at your target or running 2 times the target
  • Red- ACoS is more than 2 times your target

These cards provide a detailed breakdown of how your ads are performing in an easily digestible way, and how your advertising dollars are being used effectively.

But please note that you won’t be able to create new campaigns from the app.

Switching Marketplaces

If you sell products in various locations, like Canada, the UK, etc., then you can switch to that specific marketplace and conduct research, get alerts, and view profits data.

Research Tab

  1. Click on the flag symbol
    • For the Research tab, it’s by the search bar
    • For the Keyword Tracker tab, it’s in the upper right corner of the screen
  1. Select your marketplace from the menu.
  2. You can now conduct research in that specific marketplace on Amazon!
helium 10 mobile app switch marketplaces

Adding a Widget to Your Home Screen

This is my favorite feature of Helium 10’s app: adding your daily profits to your home screen via a widget.

This specific walkthrough is conducted on iOS. However, the same technique can be done on Android: holding down your home screen and navigating to where your widgets are located.

  1. Go to your Profits tab.
  2. Go to your Today’s summary card.
  3. Tap the shapes in the upper right corner of the card.
  1. You’ll be asked if you want to see this data in the widget. Tap OK.
  • You can also do this for any of the other time frames listed in the summary card.
  1. Go to your home screen.
  2. Press and hold the screen until your apps start moving and you see a + sign in the upper left corner of the screen and Done in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Tap the + sign.
  1. A list of all the available widgets will pop up. Scroll down until you find Helium 10.
  2. Tap the app.
  1. Select + Add Widget.
  1. Place the widget where you want it on your home screen.
  2. Tap Done to set your widget in place.

Now you’ll be able to get instant and live updates directly from your phone’s home screen!

Webinars, Guides, & News

On the Menu tab, you’ll have access to various webinars, guides, and news articles that can help you utilize Helium 10 for your Amazon business.


Here you will find all the upcoming webinars Helium 10 will be hosting and any archived webinars they have already hosted. These webinars can help you home in on various tools and walk you through how to use them.


Out of the three tools, the guides section is probably my favorite as Helium 10 breaks down specific guides based on where you are with your business.

They have beginner, intermediate, advanced, and how to sell on Amazon sections to help you.

These guides are helpful for when you’re stuck on what to do next, how to better your business, and introduce new tools to you.


The News section provides articles mainly on Amazon and updates that affect sellers.

Here, you can stay up-to-date in the Amazon selling world and prepare your business for what’s to come or simply gather more information on your industry.


Yes, you can use the Helium 10 mobile app for free! But please note that some of the features in the app, similar to the desktop version, will be limited.

Yes! The Helium 10 app is available on both Android’s Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.

There are a few limitations to Helium 10’s mobile app versus its desktop version.

Here is what you can’t get with the mobile app:

  • Trendster
  • Magnet
  • Misspellinator
  • Portals
  • URL Builder
  • QR Code Generator
  • Anomaly Tracker
  • Listing Optimization

Yes, there is an Amazon seller app that roughly provides the same information as Helium 10’s. The difference is that Amazon is limited to 7-day or monthly trends, while Helium 10 provides a daily trend for you to track your sales, profits, etc.

Final Thoughts

Helium 10’s mobile app is beneficial for conducting business on the go as you have the most important features of Helium 10’s desktop version at your fingertips.

You can monitor your profits, have important alerts sent directly to you, conduct research, and view your ad campaigns all from your mobile device. This can aid in making the most informed decisions on the go.

We understand that you’re not always around your computer, so having access to Helium 10’s mobile app is a game changer for Amazon sellers like yourself. The app fills in the gap between the time you are at your computer and when you’re a

Download the app today and sign up for free with Helium 10!

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