Are Jungle Scout Shared Accounts Safe?

Jungle Scout shared accounts are safe. They have built-in privacy and security features that allow multiple people to use the same account with different access permissions.

These shared accounts aren’t the same as group buys, which are actively penalized by Jungle Scout and discouraged at RevenueGeeks.

I’ll show you how to get a Jungle Scout shared account, which Jungle Scout plans have this feature, how to invite new users to share your account, and tips to restrict what information shared team members can see.

Key Takeaways

  • Jungle Scout supports official shared accounts that allow team members to use the same account.
  • Shared accounts are different from group buys, which aren’t officially supported.
  • The primary Jungle Scout account owner controls the features that the extra users access.

Jungle Scout Shared Accounts vs. Group Buys: What’s the Difference?

Jungle Scout shared accounts are legitimate and involve a primary account owner inviting additional users to work on one account. On the other hand, group buys involve multiple people paying for the same account to reduce costs.

Here are the main differences between Jungle Scout shared accounts and group buys.

Jungle Scout Shared Accounts Jungle Scout Group Buys
The primary account owner controls the features additional users can access. Everyone has access to the same tools, including other users’ data on those tools.
Each user has unique login details. Every user shares the same login details.
All users work on the same Amazon seller account. Users usually add individual accounts.
Allows team members access to the company’s Jungle Scout account. Reduces the costs of buying a Jungle Scout account per individual.
Safe and supported by Jungle Scout. Unsupported. Likewise, multiple logins from different computers are frowned upon.
The primary account owner can control the access of additional users to data, ensuring privacy. There’s no privacy in a Jungle Scout group-bought account.

So, while a group buy initially sounds like a good idea to reduce costs, you’ll expose your data (think product, keyword, and market research gems) to everyone else on the same account. Likewise, anyone in the Group Buy can mess with your Amazon marketplace integration, and you’re always at the mercy of the account owner to retain access to the account.

On top of that, you’ll be violating Jungle Scout’s terms and conditions

After all, the group buy account may be banned once Jungle Scout observes multiple users logging into the same account from different locations.

How Much Do Jungle Scout Shared Accounts Cost?

Jungle Scout only offers shared accounts on its Suite and Professional plans, which start from $69 and $129, respectively. Hence, you can’t share accounts on a Basic plan.

The Jungle Scout Professional Plan comes with six seats. You can invite five (5) other users to share the account with you after purchase. But if you get the Suite plan, you’ll have to pay $49/month for every extra user.

However, Jungle Scout Professional plan users may also need to pay $49/month if they exhaust the initial six-seat allocation and want to invite more users.

You can save on the Suite and Professional plans by grabbing our exclusive discount deal on the yearly or specially-curated quarterly plans.

How to Create a Jungle Scout Shared Account?

Here’s how to create a new Jungle Scout shared account for teamwork with a discount:

  1. Go to the Jungle Scout website. Follow my discount link to get deals and savings.
  2. Choose from any of the Suite plans. I recommend the “Suite Annual” plan if your business is starting or growing.
  1. Alternatively, click “Click here” to access the Professional plan if they don’t show up on the main deals page.
  1. Choose the Professional plan with 6 Jungle Scout seats.
  1. Enter your details – email address and a new password.
  1. Enter your card and billing details.
  1. Finally, click “Create Your Account.”
  1. Congrats! You’ve set up a Jungle Scout account that supports additional users.
While you automatically get extra seats for additional users on the Professional Plan, you must manually purchase these seats as an add-on to the Suite Plan. You can do so via the account settings dashboard.

What Features Can Additional Jungle Scout Users Access?

By default, additional Jungle Scout users have full access to all the features offered by Jungle Scout. They can access all the tools, including Opportunity Finder, Sales Estimator, and Chrome extension.

The main account owner can see other users’ work in the account. However, additional users can hide their work on features that use groups, presets, and lists from other team members. Therefore, the Opportunity Finder, Keyword Scout, and Product Database have data privacy built-in.

Browser Extension

All shared account users have full access to Jungle Scout’s browser extension. 

They can install it on different computers, use it simultaneously, and even hide their work from others.

The best part is that additional users can log in to the extension with their sign-in credentials rather than share a general login.

How to Invite a New User to Your Jungle Scout Shared Account?

Once you’ve created a shared Jungle Scout account, here’s how to invite additional users to your account:

  1. Log in to your Jungle Scout account.
  2. Ensure your account has free seats. You’ll need to purchase seats on the Suite plan, while you get five extra seats (excluding yours) on the Professional plan.
  3. Click the picture icon on the top-right corner of the screen, then click “All Settings.”
  1. Select “User and Team Management.”
  1. Click “Invite User.”
  2. Enter the user’s email address.
  3. Choose which team they’ll be added to. You can add them to the default team if you’ve not created specialty teams.
  4. Click “Send Invite.”
  1. That’s it. You’ll now wait for the person to accept the invitation and set up their login details.

Can the Jungle Scout Account Owner Hide Information From Other Users?

Yes, the primary Jungle Scout account owner can hide information from the other users.

By default, additional users have full access to the Chrome extension and other main software features but can’t access the billing page. Likewise, they aren’t allowed to make account-level changes, such as removing/adding an Amazon account, registering another marketplace, or changing the subscription tier.

That said, primary Jungle Scout account owners can share or restrict additional user access to data-processing and analytics tools like Product Research, Keywords, Sales Analytics, etc.

The best part is that you can create teams of users with different access sets

So, there could be a Product Research team that’ll only get access to product and keyword research tools, while a Finance Team is running alongside with access to the Sales Analytics and Ads Analytics tools.

Pros and Cons of a Jungle Scout Shared Account

Jungle Scout shared accounts are great for companies with several employees working on their Amazon businesses. However, there are a few drawbacks to consider before inviting anyone to your team.

Here are the pros and cons of operating a Jungle Scout shared account.


  • Team savings on subscription costs for multiple accounts.
  • Supports collaboration between teams.
  • Allows the account owner to regulate extra users’ access.
  • Additional users get full access to the Chrome extension.
  • Robust sharing settings and permissions to ensure data integrity.


  • Manually managing the access of many users can become complex and time-consuming.

How to Save on Jungle Scout Shared Account Plans?

Instead of getting a group buy, which is unsafe and can be penalized by Jungle Scout, there are other methods to reduce the amount you spend on your subscription

Here are tips on saving on your Jungle Scout shared account pricing plan:

Choose Annual Plans

Picking an annual plan over month-to-month payments can save you upwards of 30% on your subscription. For instance, you can get the Suite plan for $49 monthly when paid upfront for the year rather than for $69 monthly when paying month-to-month.

Use My Discounts

If you use my exclusive link to create an account, you’ll get up to 33% off your plan

You don’t have to input coupon codes; your discount is automatically applied on the pricing page.

Get the Professional Plan

The Suite plan supports only one user per account by default, which means you’ll pay $49 for each user you invite.

But with the Professional plan, you get default support for six users, including yourself. 

You only start paying extra when you add more than five people to your account.

Compared to the Suite plan, those extra five seats would have cost you ($49 x 5=) $245! This amount could handle three months of the Professional plan on the yearly offer!

Can You Upgrade Your Jungle Scout Account to Support Account Sharing?

You can upgrade your Jungle Scout account to enjoy account sharing. 

This would be most necessary if you have the Basic plan or want to switch from the one-seat Suite Plan to the Professional.

Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your Jungle Scout account and go to the account settings page.
  1. Select “Subscriptions.”
  1. Click “Change Plan.”
  1. Choose the Suite or Professional plan.
  1. Complete checkout.
  1. Voila! You’ve upgraded to a shared Jungle Scout Account.

Collaborate With Your Team in a Jungle Scout Shared Account

Jungle Scout shared accounts are safe and allow multi-person business teams to optimize Amazon accounts for success. They also support privacy for the account owner and additional users, given the robust sharing settings and data security.

However, not all Jungle Scout plans support team access. Hence, I recommend the Professional plan to get five extra seats and Jungle Scout’s best tools for one comparatively low price.

Remember to grab this exclusive discount for up to 33% off your shared account subscription.

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