What Is CPR in Helium 10?

Cerebro Product Rank, also known as CPR, is a Helium 10 metric that shows the number of a product’s units you need to sell to feature on the first page of a keyword’s search results.

Specifically, it indicates the 8-day sales volume requirements for boosting the visibility of products optimized for specific search terms. To calculate this, the CPR metric evaluates the sales performance of competitors appearing at the top half of the first page of a targeted keyword.

Key Takeaways

  • CPR is a Helium 10 metric that indicates an 8-day minimum sales volume of top-ranking listings of your target keyword.
  • Helium 10 provides two variants of CPR scores: Static CPR and Dynamic CPR.
  • You can find CPR scores on 3 Helium 10 tools: Magnet, Cerebro, and Keyword Tracker.

Why Is CPR Important to Helium 10 Users?

helium 10 keyword phrase cpr scores

CPR is an essential component of Helium 10 because it shows the sales performance requirements for achieving high-ranking product listings.

Over the years, Amazon sellers have optimized their products for specific search phrases to improve visibility. However, keyword optimization alone doesn’t guarantee success, considering that Amazon, like Google, shows several search pages depending on the competitiveness of keywords.

For instance, typing “Gold Clock” into Amazon’s search bar will yield thousands of search results.

amazon search results

The goal is to rank your product at the top, as buyers often limit their search to the first page of search results.

You can increase your chances of ranking by incorporating “Gold Clock” into your product title and description. Besides, you can improve your product image to show clear distinctions that reflect the prioritized keyword.

But you must also show that your listing attracts similar sales volume attributed to your main competitors.

Note that the top five products for the “Gold Clock” keyword have at least 600 global ratings, meaning they’ve sold at least 600 units of their products.

amazon product global ratings

However, don’t worry too much about the total sales volume of your major competitors. 

What you should be most concerned about is how much they sell periodically.

To dislodge and replace any top 16 listings, you must sell as many products as the top-ranked listings within a particular period.

This is where Helium 10’s CPR metrics come into play, showing the number of sales you must make in 8 days to jump into the top search rankings. If the CPR of “Gold Clock” is 30, then you need to sell a minimum of 30 units within 8 days for a chance to boost your rankings.

With this data, you can initiate a promotion to achieve the 8-day sales requirements. 

This may include the use of sponsored ads, as seen below.

amazon sponsored product listing

How Does Helium 10 Calculate CPR?

Before 2021, Helium 10 calculated CPR Scores based on the total number of competitors and the average product sales volume. Likewise, Helium 10 encouraged implementation via discounted giveaways and two-step URLs to achieve the 8-day sales volume.

However, following Amazon’s campaign against using two-step URLs, Helium 10 created a new way of calculating CPR scores in 2021.

Helium 10’s CPR metric now considers the keyword search volume, age of competitor listings, and keyword usage in the product titles and listings.

helium 10 cpr scores

This new method of calculating CPR is based on the realization that sellers don’t have to rely on two-step URLs and giveaways to boost visibility. Instead, PPC advertising and Search-Find-Buy services have become integral to achieving ranking goals.

Also, the 2021 CPR Score suggests lower sales requirements than the original CPR metrics.


The CPR Score only applies to keywords for which your product doesn’t currently appear on the first page (or specifically in the first 16 results) at the time of the search.

Based on the 2021 CPR Score, two CPR metrics are available on Helium 10. 

They are discussed below.

Helium 10 Static CPR

Found in Helium 10’s Magnet and Cerebro tools, the Static CPR uses a basic set of guidelines and remains relatively conservative, especially when data like the listing origination date are unavailable.

The Static CPR metric bases its calculation on specified keywords but doesn’t consider the characteristics of your launched products. In other words, it’s applicable when you’re yet to launch your product or optimize it for a target keyword.

Helium 10 Dynamic CPR

The Dynamic CPR can only be found in the Helium 10 Keyword Tracker tool, offering a more aggressive and accurate outlook on the competitiveness of search terms.

It considers additional criteria like your current product rank, the top-ranked products of your target keyword, and how many top-ranked products feature the keyword in their title.

In other words, it’s the ideal CPR score for analyzing the sales volume requirement for ranking launched products.

How to Find CPR Data on Helium 10?

As mentioned, there are two types of CPR scores on Helium 10. Below are the procedures for accessing the two:

How to Find Static CPR Score?

You can open either Cerebro or Magnet to find Static CPR. In the example below, Magnet was used.

  1. Log into your Helium 10 account.
  2. Click “Tools,” then “Magnet.”
helium 10 tools
  1. Type in your target keyword and press “Enter” or the “Get Keywords” button.
  2. Find the Static CPR Score in the Keyword Summary section. In the example below, the Static CPR is 40.
helium 10 keyword search summary
  1. Below the Keyword Summary are search terms relevant to your target keyword. Here, the CPR column indicates the 8-day sales volume requirements to rank your products for each search term.
helium 10 cpr values for keyword phrases

How to Find Dynamic CPR Score?

Unlike the Static CPR Score, Dynamic CPR is only available on Helium 10’s Keyword Tracker. As such, you must enter a product’s URL or ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) to fetch Dynamic CPR Score.

Follow the steps below to check for Dynamic CPR Scores on Helium 10.

  1. Open Keyword Tracker on Helium 10.
helium 10 keyword tracker
  1. Select an existing ASIN you’ve previously processed with Keyword Tracker. Or enter a new one.
select existing asin for helium 10 keyword tracker
  1. Locate the CPR column to determine the number of items you must sell in 8 days to rank in the top half of page one of each keyword’s search result.
helium 10 keyword tracker cpr column
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Frequently Asked Questions

Helium 10 alternatives that provide CPR-like datasets include ZonGuru and Jungle Scout.

For ZonGuru, you can use the ZG Launch score to determine the 14-day sales volume to match to rank on the first page of a keyword search result

In contrast, Jungle Scout sets a Recommended Giveaway number for each search term to indicate the one-week sales volume requirement to rank in the top three spots.

Improve Your Product Visibility With Helium 10 CPR

CPR is a vital metric for Amazon sellers, as it provides the data needed to optimize the visibility of newly launched products optimized for specific keywords.

Hence, you can use this information to determine which keyword is worth targeting and which is unreasonably challenging to crack.

Now that you understand how CPR works, visit the Helium 10 pricing page to discover the plans to best utilize CPR data.

Remember to use my coupon codes (REVENUEGEEKS10 or REVENUEGEEKS20) when signing up for any Helium 10 pricing plans for even more discounts.

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